I left my review on the Todd Snyder site so that people could read information and decide before buying coat for USD 1000, but they deleted it immediately.
So i kindly leave it here
The coat is stylish and warm, navy color is very deep and nice. But this coat doesn’t have viscose lining as its is written on the site. The lining is made of cotton and this cause some problem. Every time you wear the coat with sweaters and oth. you need to clean the lint from the cotton lining. Also as the lining is not silky, it clings to clothes and coat puffs up from the back. This is not exactly what you expect from the $1K coat honestly
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anna (Гуру) 25 марта 2021
I left my review on the Todd Snyder site so that people could read information and decide before buying coat for USD 1000, but they deleted it immediately.
So i kindly leave it here
The coat is stylish and warm, navy color is very deep and nice. But this coat doesn’t have viscose lining as its is written on the site. The lining is made of cotton and this cause some problem. Every time you wear the coat with sweaters and oth. you need to clean the lint from the cotton lining. Also as the lining is not silky, it clings to clothes and coat puffs up from the back. This is not exactly what you expect from the $1K coat honestly
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