Греческий аэропорт-призрак (ФОТО)

1 января 2020

Долгое время главным и единственным аэропортом Афин был «Элленикон», построенный в 1938 году, однако всё когда-нибудь приходит в упадок. Так случилось, что с течением времени он оказался не нужен и заброшен — к Летним Олимпийским играм 2004 года греческие власти построили новый, более вместительный аэропорт. После 10 лет, проведённых в качестве пристанища для дворняг, «Элленикон» может превратиться в блестящий прибрежный курорт.

Дело в том, что компания Lamda Development, принадлежащая могучему клану Латсисов, в консорциуме с китайскими и арабскими компаниями имеет большие виды на обширную прибрежную территорию аэропорта, вложив €915 млн в сделку с местными властями на 99-летнюю аренду земли.

An Olympic Airways airplane stands on the premises of the former Athens International airport, HellenikonThe east terminal of the former Athens International airport, Hellenikon, is seenPhotographs from the former Athens airport, Hellenikon, are seen inside a hall where a museum for Olympic Airways was set up, after the closure of the Hellenikon airport south of AthensStray dogs walk outside the former Athens International airport, HellenikonA lounge is seen at the former Athens International airport, HellenikonA runway is seen at the former Athens International airport of HellenikonPlants grow outside the east terminal of the former Athens International airport, HellenikonDocuments are seen in an office at the former Athens International airport, HellenikonA view of the east terminal of the former Athens International airport, HellenikonOlympic Airways airplanes stand on the premises of the former Athens International airport, HellenikonA hall is seen in the west terminal of the former Athens International airport, HellenikonThe Olympic Airways logo is seen on a building at the former Athens International airport, HellenikonA plane is seen through the window of an auxiliary control tower at the former Athens International airport, HellenikonA burnt out arrivals hall is seen at the west terminal of the former Athens International airport, HellenikonBoarding passes are seen inside a hall at the west terminal of the former Athens International airport, HellenikonA view of a burnt building in the west terminal of the former Athens International airport, HellenikonA board is seen inside a deserted hall at the west terminal of the former Athens International airport, HellenikonAn entrance to the arrivals area is seen at the east terminal of the former Athens International airport, HellenikonAn announcement board is seen inside a deserted hall at the west terminal of the former Athens International airport, HellenikonA corridor leading to a passenger gate is seen in the east terminal of the former Athens International airport, HellenikonOlympic Airways travel tags are seen behind a desk inside the west terminal of the former Athens International airport, HellenikonA "no-smoking" sign is seen inside a deserted hall at the east terminal of the former Athens International airport, HellenikonA photograph of an Olympic Airways aircraft is seen inside a hall which was used as a museum for the carrier, after the closure of the Hellenikon airport south of AthensOlympic Airways airplanes are seen at the premises of the former Athens International airport of Hellenikon

An auxiliary control tower is reflected in a mirror at a deserted cafe in the east terminal of the former Athens International airport, Hellenikon


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